Welcome to my sales blog, just scroll down the page to see the latest listings. Every day I will update the listings to give a choice of different items. Please note that these are collector's items and NOT toys.
Please email me at jltg40@btinternet.com if you have any questions and interested in buying. Prices shown, plus postage, I am more than happy to combine shipping/postage when I can do so.
If an item is marked as sold, please email as I may have a similar/same item for sale. Many thanks, Lizzie
The Kitchen
7009 - Three vintage wooden items - £8.50
5057 - A small painted metal iron - £6.50
6100 - A realistic looking heavy painted cast metal cat, please see all images for detail - £28 - reserved
3846 - A modern miniature decorated plate of cakes - £4.50
450 - A fine miniature glass of Guinness - £8.50
7017 - A tiny old chocolate cake with a bite out of it ! And another old small diamond shaped cake - £16.50 the pair - reserved
5871 - An old , circa 1900 china plate and jug - £9.50 the pair - reserved
4306 - A nicely made realistic small loaf of bread - £8.50
Sewing Room
1982 - A tiny old tatting mat £2
5782 ee - An early 20th Century dressed china doll - £45
The Sitting Room
2401 - A large scale old china vase - £10.50 - reserved

1943 - A nice old mirror , circa 1900 within a metal frame - £28
2511 - A nicely detailed plastic cat - £4.50
2828 - An old photo pendant, probably dating from the early 20th Century - £16.50
5833 - An old , charming circa 1900 paper image on old card with string to hang - £18.50
233 - A small old, early 20th Century wooden vase - £9.50
5536 - A charming early 20th Century blue bisque china figure - £24
4700 - A pair of elegant old (?circa 1900) larger scale metal candlesticks in the Art Nouveau style - £38 the pair - reserved
4452 - An early 20th Century blue bisque china vase/jug - £10.50
The Study
2622 - A late 19th/early 20th Century sturdy wooden desk
The writing slope is loose - needs attention - £34
1871 - Dating from the 1930s, this Barbola picture is approx 8 cm by 6 cm and would be perfect in a dolls house of that date - £34
The Nursery
2909 - An old painted metal F.G Taylor "electric" heater with plastic flex and metal plug - £9.50
5786 - An old, circa 1900 china figure - £16.50
2704 - A charming tiny old painted wooden figure, probably German in origin - £18.50
2767 - A tiny old metal rocking horse - £12.50
5454 - A pair of old white bisque china shoes - £16.50
3096 - A modern framed print - £4.50 - reserved
2225 - A late 19th Century china head doll, missing his right hand (see below)
2863 - A small dolls house size doll, with an old head and arms, but is missing a leg and her right foot. She appears to be wearing an old striped shirt and more recent skirt and apron - Please see all images for detail/condition - £28
5186 - A late 19th Century china head doll wearing a very damaged silk dress - £28
631 - A strange little home-made painted wooden figure for repair and restoration - "as seen" condition - £12.50 - reserved
Extra Bits and Bobs
1331 - Tiny fluffy dog - £9.50 - reserved
1476 - A lovely old china Birthday cake candle holder - £16.50 - reserved
7025 - Quirky old metal anchor - £9.50
Textiles for projects in the doll's house